COAL DATA: China September Coal Output Up 13% On Year

BEIJING -- China produced 263 million metric tons of coal in September, up 13%, the National Bureau of Statistics said Thursday.

In a preliminary statement, the National Bureau of Statistics had said September coal output was 260 million tons.

China's coal output in the January-September period totaled 2.14 billion tons, up 10%, the data showed.

China produced 31.51 million tons of coke in September, up 25%, while coke output for the first three quarters totaled 253.69 million tons, up 1.4%.

Electricity generation in September rose 9.5% to 320.3 billion kilowatt hours, the bureau said, with electricity produced by coal-fired power plants up 12% at 254 billion kWh and hydroelectricity generation down 3.7% at 56.1 billion kWh.

This brought power output in the first three quarters to 2.65 trillion kWh, up 1.9%.

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