Euro-Zone Aug Lead Indicator +1.8% As Econ Recovery Continues

BRUSSELS -- The composite index of leading indicators for the euro-zone economy rose 1.8% in August to 99.1, showing that economic recovery in the region is continuing, said the economic group Conference Board Monday.

This follows a 1.6% increase in July and 1.3% increase in June, the Conference Board said.

"Economic conditions should continue to improve in the short term, but a potential jobs crisis may derail a sustainable recovery in Europe," said Jean-Claude Manini, the board's senior economist for Europe.

The leading indicator, which comprises several forward-looking pieces of data and survey information, can show turning points in the economic cycle.

"The Conference Board LEI for the Euro Area continues to grow at a faster pace than The Conference Board LEI for the United States, but this is probably related to the severity of the Euro Area recession," Manini said.

The Conference Board, a U.S.-based non-profit group, started publishing information about the euro-zone economy in December.

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