DATA SNAP: Czech June Indus Output -12.2%YY Vs -22%YY In May

PRAGUE -- Czech industrial output dropped 12% on the year in June, largely improved from a 22% annual decline in May, driven by a continued fall in the manufacturing sectors, the Czech Statistics Office, or CSU, said Tuesday.

The drop in June industrial production was slightly lower than expectations, with a Dow Jones Newswires poll of four economists having forecast a decline of 12.4% on the year, in line with the CSU's preliminary estimate.

Czech auto sector output, which accounts for the lion's share of the country's industrial production, declined 8.1% on the year in June, compared with a 17.3% annual drop in May.

Auto sector output data suggest that the recent introduction of used-car recycling subsidies in several European countries had a positive impact on Czech car makers' production in June.

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